The World Economic Forum’s annual meeting held at Davos has been the largest and most talked about more so as it is going to put an end to the thought process of a few countries who were of the view of the end of globalisation. Leaders around the world recognise that the future workspace is going to be a hybrid - virtual and face to face.Lack of cooperation is immense in society. We need cooperation even more today as after the Russia Ukraine war and the Covid restrictions still not completely lifted in some parts of the world, the world needs a lot of healing, which is more so prevalent due to the self seeking policy making in society. The World Economic Forum in Davos seems to take this challenge heads on and put an end to this vicious cycle.Even today 1 percent hold 45 percent of the wealth. The system works for a few billionaires . This economic down turn is likely to trickle down in economies. The complexity of solutions interdependence and connectivity of all...