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India is the Next Investor Market

Amidst the uncertainty, inflation, increasing prices and falling interest rates, India seems to be a viable option for anyone to Invest in if they wish to stay invested in the longer run. The 1 Dollar price point in India seems to be attracting not only International investors such as Jeff Bezos but is easier  to cater even in the home market itself.

An Indian has very specific rules as far as spending is concerned. He will not spend more than Rs. 20/- on Biscuits, Rs. 100/- for a movie ticket or cab fare ( that too only if he has no other way of making the distance), Rs. 10/- for chips and If he has a celebration he can double it to Rs.200/- ( Rs. 200/- is reserved for treats e.g. if he has to buy nice imported cookies or eat in a restaurant). Looking at the above spending pattern it is clear that our Indian brother is very clear about staying in the 1 Dollar bracket, make it 2 Dollars max. For an Indian Family weekends is a Rs. 500 or approximately  8 to 10 Dollars affair.

Paradoxically, for Investors, this kind of a market works simply due to the number of buyers or amount of goods sold or merely volumes of transactions. Though the price point is a Dollar, the good that will be sold will be in huge numbers. Therefore India is an extremely viable market for mass production, and amass selling. They say in India: anything can be sold, you just need someone to sell it.
TheCentral and State Governments in India have been extremely supportive of the rural and urban economic development.The Government Policies introducing  GST and demonetisation has led to the increase in number  of online or digital platforms. The numbers on online platforms has not only doubled but quadrupled in the past couple of years. Indian cities have doubled in terms of size and the population is only increasing.


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