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Women in Politics

India had a female Prime Minister, and a female President, and females are entering politics in great numbers. Their future in the political arena isn't really that bright as of today. The involvement of women in politics isn't a brand new concept in India. The battle for independence has seen women revolutionaries playing a role. Women were led by the Freedom Movement to politics foray and several of them made great sacrifices. With the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act women obtained an equal share in India's government. They are part of state and local management, but are coming to take part in politics. 

They've achieved a substantial role in the Parliament. We consider the statistics of the involvement of the woman in politics, there emerges a truth about the world's biggest democracy - which females are underrepresented during elections and in celebration structures. India is in the lowest quartile with regard to the amount of women in Parliament is worried. From the world for females representation in Parliament, India ranks 99 in compliance with the data by an organization, the Inter Parliamentary Union. India has only 59 women members from 545 members in the Lok Sabha. From the members, there are MPs at the Rajya Sabha. 

India lags behind other Asian nations, like Pakistan, China, and Bangladesh. Even African nations, such as Rawanda along with Mozambique have more representations with 56.7% and 34.8%. Compared to the situation, the fundamental of authorities, the Panchayati Raj, has brought in more women participants and leaders. States like Karnataka had made girls part of rural politics manner before the Constitution made it mandatory. Other states, like Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand have crossed 50 percent seats in the panchayat for females. The main reason why women haven't been able to play a substantial Role in the national level from Indian politics is due to dynastic rule. 

Women politicians battle to find a better position from their celebration hierarchies. It's intriguing that Indian women have achieved a clear leadership position just after they set up their very own parties and thru the support of their husband or family or dynasty rule. Another important problem faced By Indian girls in politics in is implicit approval by the party rank, particularly males. The irony we face is that governmental parties create a hullabaloo over increasing the involvement of women to 33 percent by making reservations for them. 

With regards to giving election tickets to girls leaders, they're rarely the first choice.


  1. There must not be a question of women representations only but the peoples' endeavour should towards reform the system of governance through the Radical Democratic Reforms along with Systemic Reforms etc etc.
    That's the only one solution before the people of India


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