Atma Nirbhar Abhiyan- equals Pakistan GDP at 266 Bn higher than GDP of 149 Countries such as Vietnam, Portugal, Greece, New Zealand and Romania. Major lift to manufacture in India considerable amount of money directed towards bank guarantees to MSME sector refinance facilities and long term tax break for industries to boost manufacturing.
Similar to the US Fed income transfers and tax cuts will entail fiscal cost, the latter two( credit guarantees and direct lending). MSMEs which are in good standing with banks will be the most to benefit from this facility. for investment bond.
Any extra allocation towards credit guarantee fund will only add to the Govt. contingent liabilities but will surely do good to the fiscal deficit woes. The 20 percent guarantee the Govt. is extending to the Government to partially guarantee investment should be the first 20 percent and not the last 20 percent.of the investment which must be guaranteed by the Government.

As make in India flagship emerges as the key catalyst for attracting new Investments, PM Modi's announcements will pave a way for much needed reforms in the Financial sector for the MSMEs liquidity is what is required to make India self reliant is what he says and the package has surely provided the much needed temporary relief to the sector.
Similar to the US Fed income transfers and tax cuts will entail fiscal cost, the latter two( credit guarantees and direct lending). MSMEs which are in good standing with banks will be the most to benefit from this facility. for investment bond.
Any extra allocation towards credit guarantee fund will only add to the Govt. contingent liabilities but will surely do good to the fiscal deficit woes. The 20 percent guarantee the Govt. is extending to the Government to partially guarantee investment should be the first 20 percent and not the last 20 percent.of the investment which must be guaranteed by the Government.

As make in India flagship emerges as the key catalyst for attracting new Investments, PM Modi's announcements will pave a way for much needed reforms in the Financial sector for the MSMEs liquidity is what is required to make India self reliant is what he says and the package has surely provided the much needed temporary relief to the sector.
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