The United states of America seems to be the worst affected and now the epicenter of the world as far as COVID Is concerned. More than 2 lakh people have been affected by COVID And more than 3m5 mn people have filed for unemployment benefits from the Government.
That means the United states has to release a much bigger stimulus package this time worth USD 2BN to cater to the needs of all the people who have filed for unemployment benefits as well as for catering to the needs of small and medium size business owners. The first stimulus package only apparently catered to the Big businesses in the US.
So where is the US Funding and paying for this stimulus package. It is levying more taxes, and at the same time giving tax cuts to corporate spending in the entertainment industry along with food and beverage industry and hospitality sector.
The stock market has now wiped out the losses of 2020 as the citizens of the country have their faith in the Government and the stimulus package it has come forth from time to time. But will this put a strain on th existing debt the US Is already in or will people continue to have faith in the financial system of the country. The currency was still strong and the economy was on an ever expansive mode just before covid happened.Does this mean that the Government will be able to pay back a trillion dollar worth of debt in excess of the existing 25 Trillian Dollar on the treasure bill. Some experts believe that it can as they are not really printing more money but finding the stimulus by selling of corporate bonds
It is said, "if the UNITED States of America sneezes the world gets pneumonia." It is therefore important that this " Great ,"country makes its decisions widely as most currencies of the world are pegged against the US Dollar and it would mean the whole financial system to collapse and only increase the effects of recession if this issue is not dealt with using the smartest minds.
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