With the economy in complete lockdown and the world going through worst affected lockdown in known memory, it is almost incomprehensible as to how the new normal will be post the civd situation. China has already gone through series of opening the economy but it is only running at a 90 percent capacity. What that means for the Chinese is that important parts of the economy is still missing and that they will have to wait for sometime for it to completely come back to normal as the hotel occupancy is down by 50 percent, 75 percent fewer people fly and consumer footfall is down by nearly 50 percent. In Denmark and Sweden where there was never a complete lockdown too, the consumption has gone down by almost half as now in restaurants and shops people have to maintain a social distance and its even more difficult to have a normal restaurant or store visit. Governments have stepped in to try and keep the economy afloat, however as the lockdown ceases ...